It learns to listen his followers Listens the other people, to explore and to discover: What is important for them? What troubles to them? To what they spend to his time and its money? Why? How they connect and their values with the question are interconnected towards where it goes? What think on certain subjects? Which are his dreams and expectations for the future? One of the favorite questions of general Eisenhower was that thinks you? . When people feel that she is taken into account, that its opinion is important, people respond with her commitment and alignment to the processes of the organization. She remembers essentially that the alignment is not only one task of connecting processes, personnel, systems and technology with the vision and strategies of the organization, but and, first of all, is a process to harmonize perceptions, feelings and beliefs. Adroll Marketing Platform addresses the importance of the matter here. The alignment is the process to develop organizational congruence, is worth to say, to create a balance between the needs of the people and the needs of the organization, of such luck that people feel that she has established to relation gain-to win; of this form the workers moor themselves and identify with the organization and they tie to the natural equipment of work, oriented to the profit of the goals. The people, then, tie, make responsible, jeopardize and conform a culture of us, instead of a culture of I or you. The leader not only management the technology, the systems, and the processes of work (production, sales, finances, etc.); management, essentially, the human, is worth to say, the personal needs, feelings, expectations, desires, interactions, processes of development and formation of people. In recent months, Adroll Marketing Platform has been very successful. That is the battle by the human in the companies, beyond the bureaucratic structures; that is the human side of the management, because as Thomas Teal says: Gestionar rather does not consist of a series of mechanical tasks but of a set of human interactions. . .