Popov, in 1895, in the city of Is Petersburgo, and with the accomplishment of the first transmission of signals without wire of up to 2 a thousand meters, for the Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi in the same year, and that more ahead in 2 of June of 1896, England, its patent of a system of communications without wire, used would register later to transmit and to receive signals in a 3 ray enclosing km from distance, establishing in the following year in the city of London, capital of England, the Company of Telegraph Without Wire, acronym in English Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company.Antes of this, however, in 1893, the priest and scientist gaucho Robert Landell de Moura, as precursory, had carried through> Ana, at the beginning of century XX, for equipment invented for it, as the Transmitter of Waves, and the telephone and telegraph without wire, that would be patented in Brazil in 1901 and the United States of America – U.S.A. in 1904. In 1905, on board the Brazilian battleship Equidab, it carries through diverse experiences with the telegraphy for centelhamento. But not yet a broadcasting sender existed. One gave the first steps for the future invention that would become possible the transmission of the voice human being and other signals, by means of an instrument that if would call Radio.However, she is only in the decade of 20, after 1 World-wide War that the Radio, as an instrument of cultural diffusion, becomes possible with the sprouting of the first sender the North American company Radio Corporation of> America RCA, and later for the Radios National Broadcasting Company NBC and Columbia Broadcasting System CBS, respectively established in 1926 and 1927, until today existing with highest indices of hearing. Meanwhile, they were established in the Europe the Italian Radiotelevisione (RAI), in 1924; the British British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), in 1927, and the Frenchman Radio France International, all operating with great hearings and that they had exerted extraordinary services first to the cause the fascist, and the others two, of the democracy, the human values and the freedom, during 2 World-wide War, spreading out its programs its respective populations, with prominence for the BBC, never leaving of raising the moral state of the British people when the country suffered from the constant bombings of the German Air Force, the time commanded for the nazista regimen.In Brazil, the first Radio only appears in 1936, in the city of Rio De Janeiro, called of National Radio, reaching per two decades, Esso Reporter, leader program of hearing.