Journalists School

What today is a branch of a Russian education. We all went to school and almost all of us it ended. For someone school influenced positively by someone not quite, but no one will argue that, even something selected, it gave something and return. Largely due to the school the vast majority of us can read, write and know in general terms, the device of our world. Rather, the ideal model of the device in our world. On Indeed our world is far from ideal and, in particular, from the world that we see on tv. The real world is shown on television very often.

Only the professional news and some private investigations Journalists reveal a velvet curtain, closing our eyes. Stop! It seems we're a little distracted from the main idea of this article. While returning to the subject of our discussion, we can say that now, as is the case with our education. If the sector of higher education and high school business is not very bad, then in school education things worse. Today, the media shape the image of a successful creative teachers and teacher, who can earn decent. But is it all really? Let's look at the situation from the perspective of someone who has, say, a couple of years twirled in this area and has some idea about it. The fact in reality, things are in our Russian school education in terms of attitudes towards people and in terms of wages you are likely to not tell anybody.

CA Promotes Corporate

But first you need to understand that exactly do you mean by corporate color. For example, do not confuse the concept of corporate identity (corporate identity) and brand personality (identity brand). 'Color of the walls in the office and company colors brand – do not always coincide, and As a rule, solve different problems, – said Alexei Andreev of Depot WPF. – In practice, usually more important is the style of the final product, sold under the brand-specific, rather than visual attributes manufacturer. Although it depends on what kind of brand you are going to more actively promote the market – corporate or product '.

All corporate symbolism regulated 'bible' brand managers and marketing – brand beech, which contains a description of a number of standards: options for tracing the logo and its Panton, fonts, the ability to brand the neighborhood with other brands of the company, and so on brand-book includes all information that somehow relates to the corporate identity. Strict adherence to corporate style increases the visibility of advertising and increases its effectiveness. 'We use only original shades during any promotions' – confirms Julia Ostroukhova. At one time, the author of this effect had a chance to explore business need a brand-book MegFon. It was like parting with 'marketing innocence. " Prior to this author and had no idea that all design elements for the brand, up to a minimum and desirable area of empty space around the logo can be so meticulously defined.

One of the native plants producing CD-ROMs, on the surface of which was required to put the logo MegFon, tormented all their technology before they could find Panton, which fully satisfied the cellular operator. Sphere use of color in recent years greatly expanded. Their impact on people's minds have been thoroughly investigated, after which they were used more purposefully. Now designers and psychologists use accumulated knowledge to manipulate the minds of consumers. Incidentally, the color can be an effective advertising tool in and of themselves – without reference to the slogan or logo. For example, BAT began advertising in Russia campaign cigarettes Pall Mall, in which the billboards are simply paint in colorful stripes. Employees were shown a presentation which demonstrated how the eight steps of colorful characters, in words 'pall' and 'mall', are transformed into color-hash, which will be displayed on billboards. (During these 8 steps were removed the crossbar in the letters, their thicker font, etc.) Go to a measure tobacco company not forced out of the abundance of creativity in the minds of its employees. Just next year in Russia is prohibited outdoor advertising of cigarettes. They can only be advertised in the press (except for the first and last pages) and at point of sale. (The use of designer clothes during promotions yet another step in maintaining overall strategiiyu) 'well-known ideas of modern marketing guru Martin Lindstrom that a brand can and should be even own smell, – says Alexander Manin. – I must admit, that while we're up to such heights not reached. But as for the corporate colors, their role in shaping consumer preferences is extremely high. " Pro & Contra use of corporate colors. Pros: Play as an additional identifier to make the brand the brand Helping a 'someone' CA Promotes more accurate tracking of goods / services help maintain a uniform image of the brand in different markets Disadvantages: The need to take into account the national specifics of color perception problem of color similarity, companies risk 'tiring' excessively intrusive market flowers and problematic high cost of replacement