The wars seem to not threaten the 21st century from the traditional viewpoint. Now come from inter-ethnic conflicts (Africa has been a pathetic example), of racism, of xenophobia, of terrorism, of extreme nationalism reborn as bonfires of religious intolerance as manifested in other mass killings. Specific areas of the planet case Europe – must face the aging of its population while it increases xenophobia towards migrant sectors must be that good part of their welfare state. We have already said that the peasant Word encompasses every day to fewer people, which indicates an urban concentration increasing, while migrations are similar in volume and characteristics. Thereto, in many cities are formed almost subjected to even apartheid slums and that, when in time, they burst, causing widespread damage. Problems, intermingle as do migration and urbanization. As others do with environmental degradation manifested in the seas, in the air and in the Earth.
It seems to lean the ethics as a priority task. Globalization advances as a phenomenon that justifies itself, an unstoppable advance, while policy stagnates, or better is immersed, to make way for authoritarian tendencies, to a possible widespread outbreak of totalitarianism. We have advocated for an encounter of cultures, a respect for plurality and diversity. Only with technology you can not, although we use it for the sake of knowledge and as a unique opportunity to learn to respect us by knowing that we acquire another. III are scarce the inventors of world. Protagonists of the theoretical vision of the policy are required. Here truths have been demolished and we must go on new forms of social organization. Who presides over the world is unbelief.
The old speeches are delegitimized. Someone has spoken of an ahistorical sky. If there is no philosophically approach emancipatory in the sense of giving the dream of a corpus of ideas nor will there be emancipation bass problems affecting us.