
In recent years, both in everyday conversations and in the media all the more common expression 'superfluous people'. To whom is this definition of contempt? Opinions are divided. Someone writes in 'extra' drunken slum railway stations and subways, stretching out his hand for the poor dirty penny. Conversely, many consider unnecessary and even harmful elements of modern 'masters of life', changed their crimson jackets to suits by Armani, and Guns – on gold-plated 'Parker'. It is argued that 'unnecessary' – those who "impedes progress intelligent civilization on Earth ', that is, an absolute majority, and therefore proposed to tighten control over fertility, to reduce the amount of 'ballast'.

Any attempt to outline the range of 'superfluous men' come from the underlying insecurity of those who attempt to take. After all, almost no one can confidently say about himself: 'I certainly do not like excess! ". AND people trying to artificially boost self-esteem by belittling certain categories of people. Kabbalah relates growth of self-doubt, followed by a desire to assert themselves at the expense of others, the process of growth of selfishness. On Indeed, if we take the basic criterion is not social or intellectual status of a person, not the benefit or harm caused to the company, and the internal state of the soul, the 'superfluous man' in our time would be … almost everyone. Yes, do not be surprised! 'Superfluous man' – someone who suspects that he once who did not believe in self-worth and need. Now let's see, of what constitutes a mental state member of modern society, and what factors affect self-esteem.

Mato Grosso

It is alluded, for example, to the fact of the Region Center-West, considered being a bred region artificially to serve to an interest of State; by means of the state strategical planning, for posterior occupation of its territory. As well as, the division in 1977, of the territory of Mato Grosso, can be understood as a moment of exclusion of the local population of the central region of Brazil, in the processes of decision taking. At this moment, the chances of popular participation met restricted still more that currently. But, nowadays, start of century XXI, the levels of politicalization and participativa conscience of the populations that inhabit the goiano Open pasture, clearly is better developed, in reason of bigger educational level. Considering the social picture, ambient politician and verified currently, let us retake the concept initial of landscape, placed as one of the points of boarding of the text this understood here, not only as resulted of the geophysical transformations and also, of the evolution of the natural picture of bioma; these slight knowledge, generally, very on to sensu common, related to the landscape.

It is intended to approach landscape here, as being resulted of the social production of one determined human group, cohabiting in a locality. In accordance with MAYAN, 2001, P. 87, this agreement regarding landscape, it finds bedding in Carl Sauer, who considers Geography a study of the differentiation of areas or corologia. For this author, area, region landscape are words equivalents. Opting to this last one for understanding that this term is not ambiguous as area, nor it possesss forts connotations with the ambient determinismo as region, much associated to the idea of natural region. Still salient MAYAN, P. 88, that he has, therefore, in Sauer, the concern with the knowledge on the diversity of the action human being. Where Sauer, bases its consideraes on landscape, among others, in the notion of culture of Kroeber, that considers it a phenomenon that if it originates, it spreads out yourself and it evolves in the time and the space, being understandable in the time, however traced in the space where if it locates.

Pinto School

After all, which is the paper of softwares educational? 1.1.2 The paper of softwares in the construction of the inclusive society the inclusive education is an ample term, more means the insertion of children with some neurological riots in the conventional education. Glet (2007, p.17-18) affirms that this modality of education meets wide steps for its full functioning, whose objective is the possibility of ingression and permanence of the pupils in the school successfully academic, but nor always happens this. The world is dived in the automatic information, but from form intrinsically related to this, the society excludes ones to the others, had to the competitive market. To think that the education is an instrumental way is to think about the cruel market of work, where the poor person in individualistic formation in the most diverse passages tends to think on education of obsolete form, thus the desestimulao and the failure pertaining to school are the result of the same. As Saints (2011) the admission of the inclusive society is considered as a dilatado procedure, and the technology is a tool facilitadora of this process, therefore the accessibility of the information to work in the perception, emotion and cognition approach a pragmatic stimulaton on learning, in which, it allows in the pertaining to school scope to maximize the time and its potentialities and to improve the conditions of life of people with difficulties, being thus broken, barriers architectural that discourage and that it promotes the failure pertaining to school. Half term enters, according to Whitaker, Pinto and Veloso (2000) software has the possibility to promote the reasoning of the pupil, therefore it allows to work the information through procedures in the data processing. Therefore it stimulates the perception in the descriminao of the aim at-motor coordination, the cognition in the capacity of representation of the symbolic world and the emotion in the work of the error in construtivista way, thus raising auto-esteem.