For return of the first century after the birth of Christ, it appeared to the few what today it is known as the biggest daily pay-Hispanic city of the Mesoamrica, situated to the north of the City of Mexico, with a territorial area approximately of twenty and two kilometers squared, Teotihuacan already presented the characteristics of a city properly said. The population was grouped in quarters in accordance with origin, kinship or occupation, in turn the quarters were constituted of common houses and from well decorated palaces, the houses sheltered the common people and the palaces were inhabited by powerful priests. The significant urban organization of this population can be perceived when observed that already at that time the avenues and streets of the city were paved and them they enjoyed of a well planned system of draining, without counting that it was a society where already the division of the work existed, a competent army, an organized commerce and an agriculture that was not come back only toward the subsistence. It was the first city planned of Americas, its admirable buildings had been constructed throughout ' ' sidewalk of mortos' ' or also of ' ' avenue of mortos' ' , that thus the great presence of enterramentos is called by the archaeologists due to its edges, possessing about two kilometers of extension. They are distinguished as the main constructions of the city: the Pyramid of the Sun, constructed in century I d.C with sixty meters of height; the Pyramid of the Moon with date of construction between 100 and 200 d.C with forty and two mere of height and finally the Palace of 200 dated Quetzalcatl of d.C. Between 400 years 200 and d.C. Teotihuacan starts to have a very great population, with something in cinquenta lathe a thousand inhabitants. Had this great urban accumulation, the necessity appears of more constructions, over all in the residential scope, is constructed (now in well bigger number) the multifamiliar sets, that have as objective main to accomodate this immense population.